ExFest 2023: Call For Submissions (SUBMISSIONS CLOSED)

Did you know? Every year the ExFEST film festival counts with a selected jury and awards the first three best works with an opportunity to be part of a featured artist panel.
Here at ExTV, we are already making the necessary preparations to ensure that ExFEST 2023 is our best year yet. Thanks to all of you, every year we see more students participating – which means we are getting more submissions and student attendance at ExFEST.
So to summarize, we’re officially accepting submissions for ExFEST 2023!
ExFEST is ExTV’s annual film festival made by students for students. Open to all forms of video art, our film festival allows students to compete for a chance to showcase their best work in front of an ExTV-selected jury, win festival awards, and have fun! This will be our 18th year running, and we’re excited to see what’s in store. Each year, ExFEST occurs sometime around the October following summer applications. Our festival is open to all currently enrolled students of SAIC and recent graduates. We enjoy supporting students of our FVNMA department, as well as anyone who is experimenting with video and wants to screen their work to the masses. The festival will be presented with an in-person screening, as well as broadcasted to online platforms.
This year we’re accepting time-based media work including film, video, animation, and performance made for video.
Video art can take so many forms and we want to encourage a diverse community of video art at SAIC – so don’t be afraid to submit your work! We encourage keeping it longer than 2 minutes and shorter than 30 minutes, though we understand animated works can be short. You are also able to submit MORE THAN ONE WORK, which can increase your chances of getting in!