ExTV Staff

Meet the ExTV Team!

Jude Silvertree - Station Manager
Instagram - @balamusia

Jude Silvertree is a new media artist from the D.C. metropolitan area. They utilize video, HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create artwork about psychology, vision, infrastructures, captivity, language, human connection, subculture, the internet, fear, and media consumption.

Lithe Ettawageshik - Archive Manager 
Instagram - @gravegore
Website - gravegore.neocities.org

Lithe is a New Media artist from Minneapolis, Minnesota. GRAVEGORE is the alias which embodies their practice – the world and the being they inhabit. Grappling with digital existence, physical bodies, and the organic nature of the machine, they create images through collage, digital/analog manipulation, and glitch techniques. GRAVEGORE is a living archive of their experimentation of the self. 

Fiona Nguyen - Promotion Manager 
she/ her
Instagram - @fiona.phwng

Fiona Nguyen is a Vietnamese visual artist based in Chicago. As a graphic designer,  she mainly focuses on poster arts, graphic motions, packaging designs, and object designs.  Starting off her art journey as an abstract painter, the relation between colors and forms has left an enormous influence on her practices. By employing vivid color palette and contemporary use of forms and typography, her works not only serve the marketing purpose but also illustrate an imaginative and feminime personal voice.

Alexis Ramirez - Production Manager
Instagram - @nine.magpies
Instagram - @horseheadartz

Alexis is a video artist and hot-glue enthusiast who enjoys creating brightly colored fantasy experiences through film and mixed media. She has worked in short form video and is currently learning 3D programs and VR. Alexis is currently working on what it means to bring an experience for the viewer and how we interact with art. 

Amelie Poret - Production Assistant
Instagram - @sillynessscribbles

Amelie Poret is an experimental artist who enjoys working across mediums. They enjoy working on collaborative projects and enjoy destroying artworks just as much as they like creating them. Amelie is inspired by both horror movies and comics, philosophy, ink, and silly conversations.

BJ Allen - Staff Advisor 

BJ Allen is an interdisciplinary artist, educator, and curator. They love fussing with machines, mentoring students, and learning new things, especially about science, history, and aforementioned machines. BJ identifies as a non-binary, creative, politically active, fun-loving, nerd. BJ earned their MFA in interdisciplinary arts and media from Columbia College Chicago in 2016. Professionally, they have dressed up as a bunny and played guitar, managed millions in investment portfolios, and taught many Chicago citizens how to make videos.