ExFEST 2020

ExTV presents: ExFEST 2020, SAIC’s 15th annual film festival. This year we’re opening up submissions to gifs, browser based works, 3-D mappings, as well as video and film. ExFEST was in its conception and remains a festival run by and for the students of SAIC, so we’re adapting to the strange times we’re in to create a festival that expands its borders into the digital sphere. ExFEST will be judged by a select jury of faculty and students as well as the festival goers. Winning entries will receive prizes. Submit through extvsaic.org now until September 8th to be considered for the two part digital exhibition + live digital screening on September 25th (tentatively).
Deadlines and Dates
Submission deadline: September 8th at 11:59PM (NO SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12AM)
ExFEST: September 25, 2020 (date is tentative)
What kind of videos/film/new media can I submit?
We accept all genres of video art and specific sections of new media based work. This can include but is not limited to:
– Experimental
– Browser-based
– Performance
– Music video
– Documentaries
– GIFs
– Animation
– 3D Mapping
We pride ourselves in the diverse community of video art at SAIC, so don’t be afraid to submit your work. We encourage keeping it between 2-20 minutes (if this applies to your time-based work), though we keep in mind animated works can be shorter than that.
You can submit MORE THAN ONE WORK, which can raise your chances of getting in! And don’t worry, we will keep your video in our database for future opportunities no matter what.
***You may submit multiple pieces if you wish. We do require that you fill out separate submission forms for each of your work***
How can I submit my work?
You can upload directly to our Google Drive or provide a pre-screener (downloadable) link through the ExFEST application below.
Rules for Submission
– Artist must be a current student or recent 2020 graduate of SAIC (this includes Fall 2018 graduates).
– All works submitted must be uploaded via this form, or Vimeo – and made downloadable (unless your work requires special uploading and sharing). In this special case (most likely for new media work), please fill out the form first and then contact us through email detailing your submission and any viewing and technical requirements we would need to review your submission.
– Do NOT email us a link/file of your video without filling out our form. We will ask you to submit it through the form.
QuickTime File Check
Before submitting, check if your video file meets these specifications for optimal screening purposes. Refer to this image for our Premiere export settings. If your video doesn’t follow these formats (ex. you made a vertically positioned video), just email us at extv@saic.edu for help!
– File name: Firstname Lastname_Titleofwork_Yearmade (ex. Tommy Wiseau_The Room_2003)
– Frame rate: 23.976 (23.98) or 29.97
– HD Frame size: 1920×1080
– SD Frame size: 720×480
– Compression: Apple Pro Res 422 or H.264 (.mov, .mp4, or .mpeg are some of the formats you should see in your file name)
All submissions will be reviewed by a programming committee composed of ExTV crew members. If selected, you will be eligible to win jury awards and prizes.
For questions or concerns, email us at extv@saic.edu. Submissions are due by September 8, 2020.
*All submitted entries will be archived for future ExTV Screenings and Video Exchange Programs unless otherwise stated*