Submit Your Work to ExFEST 2020, ExTV’s Annual Student-Run Film Festival!

ExTV presents: ExFEST 2020, SAIC’s 15th annual film festival.
ExFEST was in its conception and remains a festival run by and for the students of SAIC, so we’re adapting to the strange times we’re in to create a festival that expands its borders into the digital sphere. ExFEST will be judged by a select jury of faculty and students as well as the festival goers. Winning entries will receive prizes.
This year we are opening up submissions to gifs, browser based works, 3-D mappings, as well as video and film.
We accept all genres of video and moving image work. This can include:
– Experimental
– Narrative
– Performance
– Music video
– Documentaries
– Satire
– Animation
– And much, much, more.
We encourage keeping videos longer than 2 minutes, though we bear in mind that animated works or works in other formats can be shorter. You can SUBMIT MORE THAN ONE WORK, which may increase your chances of getting in!
SUBMIT HERE by September 8th to be considered for the two part digital exhibition + live digital screening on September 25th (tentatively).
After submissions close, the ExTV team will review all works received and notify applicants through email whether their piece has been selected. More details about the event will be announced as the date approaches.