ExTV Presents: Monthly Student Artist Spotlight

We’d like to introduce the first participant in our new monthly program that highlights the work of a student artist every month and seeks to create a larger conversation and sense of community through featuring their work/practice. This program has three components: an online program of a selection of the artist’s works, a highlighted presence of the artist across ExTV’s social media, and a live conversation/ Q&A with the artist to round off the month.

SAIC Engage event link: https://engage.saic.edu/event/6529647

Enjoy the program detailed below!

Bárbara Baron

First-year graduate student in the Film, Video, New Media, and Animation department

ExTV Production Assistant

Website: https://barbarabaron.info/

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/barbarabaron

Bárbara Baron is a Brazilian interdisciplinary artist based in Chicago, IL. Her works often utilize obsolete media and explore themes such as memory, time and identity. By experimenting with abstractions of time and space existing within video, the artist creates amorphous narratives through registered memories – either collective or her own – with the intent of preserving herself: ‘becoming archive’ without limits.’

Online Screening Program:

“Hic Et Nunc”, 2018


Part Of Installation “On Its Way; It Was Here Yesterday”; monitor #3.

16’01’’, 1440 x 1080, 4:3, color, stereo.

Meatloaf™ Commercial (2017)

Single-Channel Video.

1’54’’, 1440 x 1080, Color, Stereo.

Concept and Production: Bárbara Baron

Voice: Arthur Gomes

Sound: Music by Tape-A-Thon.

Reel to Reel tape with background music that was played at a Kmart store in May 1988. Collected and Digitized by Mark Davis at archive.org

[After the Love Has Gone by Hollywood Symphony Orchestra: (No Album) / (No Year)]

Analog Melodrama (2018)

Single-Channel Video, part of Video-Performance executed on January 31st 2018.

8’47’’. 1440 x 1080, 4:3, Color, Stereo.

Concept and Production: Bárbara Baron

Sound: Music by Tape-A-Thon.

Reel to Reel tape with background music that was played at a Kmart store in May 1988.

Collected and Digitized by Mark Davis at archive.org

  1. Theme from “Love Story” by Peter Nero: Peter Nero’s Greatest Hits, 1972.
  2. “Jean” by Acker Bilk:The Magic Clarinet Of Acker Bilk, 1983.