ExTV Presents: Monthly Student Artist Spotlight (March)

We’d like to introduce the March participant in our monthly artist spotlight program that highlights the work of a student artist every month and seeks to create a larger conversation and sense of community through featuring their work/practice. This program has three components: an online program of a selection of the artist’s works (accessible above), a highlighted presence of the artist across ExTV’s social media, and a live conversation/ Q&A with the artist to round off the month. 

Join us on Zoom on March 31st from 5:00-6:00 CST for our conversation with Clark about their practice.


Clark Woods

Third-Year Undergrad/FVNMA

Instagram: @art.cowboy

Clark, as an artist, self identifies as a “Genderqueer Cowboy-Cyborg”, an amalgumation of the different facets of their work. Genderqueer – in reference to the constantly evolving ideas of gender, self expression, and internal and external weirdness; Cowboy – in reference to the performativity and roughness of their work; Cyborg – in reference to the technology, without which the art would not exist, a component that is virtually engrained in their being. These themes combined in different intervals and matched with the various mediums of video art, performance, virtual 3D (animations and stills), video games, net art/web art, and augmented reality create the work of Clark Woods. 

Program details below:

The Dream I Had – 2019 – video/performance/3D

A multimedia video piece about a metaphorical dream I had. 

Oh Rio! – 2019 – video/performance

A video piece that started out as a soundscape, then later visuals were made to accompany it. The video, one could say, is an autobiography about how my brain works. Just getting songs stuck in my head and weird visual thinking.

TSHOT_FANTASY_COCK_ – 2020 – video/performance/augmented reality

This is a collaboration with my partner Melon Sprout Fernsebner, it is a performance of them doing their T shot and dancing while being filmed with an augmented reality 3D phallus that they sculpted. The performance and 3D object are Melon’s contribution, and I shot the performance with the AR, formatted the AR, and edited the footage together. 

Untitled Elven Animation – 2020- 3D animation

A 3D animation that shows notable progression from the other 2 animations, as I continue to build my skills. 

POOL – 2020 – 3D animation

A 3D wip animation, this was my first attempt at animations in 3D.

Xe the Dancer – 2020 – 3D animation

A short 3D animation of a character I modeled and the materials and textures I made.
